
About Us

Thirani Projects Limited is a Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) vide Corporate Identity No. L45209WB1983PLC036538. The Company is duly registered with RBI with registration No. 05.01500 and is carrying on NBFC's activities. The main business of the company is to make both long term and short term investment in quoted as well as unquoted shares. The company also gives short term and long term loans to its borrowers. The company earns revenue by way of interest on loans so given to the borrowers. The Company will continue its focus and efforts in Capital Market as well as in making loans to the potential and sound borrowers. The Directors of the company are optimistic that company would be able to fetch better returns in the future.

The company also gives short term and long term loans to its borrowers. The company earns revenue by way of interest on loans so given to the borrowers. The Company will continue its focus and efforts in Capital Market as well as in making loans to the potential and sound borrowers. The Directors of the company are optimistic that company would be able to fetch better returns in the future.The Company after experiencing decades of tough competitive macro economic environment in the financing sector of Indian economy today M/s Thirani Projects Ltd. stands as a professionally managed company wherein the overall management is vested in the Board of Directors, comprised of experienced persons in varied facets of the sector. However the Company is solely concentrating in the NBFC segment and we are primarily focusing on providing various financial solutions.